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Get Active

At Compton High School we provide a variety of options for all types of interests and encourage students to find the best fit for them. See Coach Bryant for more information.



Sport Clearance Packet

Each student participating in a sport must complete a sports clearance packet before the season starts. Please use the forms in the athletic locker for clearance.

General Athletic Information

1. Physical and sports packets are required for each sport. The sport physical needs to run through your season of sport. Coaches will hand out packets to athletes or they may be obtained through the front office. If athletes play a second sport in a school year, they will not be required to do another physical but will have to fill out another sports packet. This pertains to the school year not summer.

2. Insurance is required during the summer and school year. Health insurance can be purchased for a nominal fee.

3. Athletes are required to maintain a 2.0 GPA to stay eligible for sports. EVERY progress report counts. If you drop under 2.0 at the end of any grading period, you will be put on probation. You are required by the end of the next grading period to be above a 2.0. If not, you are ineligible for the rest of the calendar year. You are only allowed to be on probation once every school year. These are League Rules which supersede CIF.

4. CIF is the governing body for high school athletics. If you have questions regarding transfers, special situations, or rules for certain sports refer to the BLUE BOOK at This site also has forms that may be needed.

5. All parents and players will be given a summer sports camp application that must be signed and turned in before an athlete can participate in summer sports.



Pursuant to Education Code section 221.9, each school is required to publicly report information regarding its competitive athletics including total enrollment at each school classified by gender; the number of pupils enrolled at each school who participate in competitive athletics classified by gender, and the number of boys' and girls' teams, classified by sport and by competition level.  Data on each chart reflects the total number of players on a team roster on the official first day of competition.

Athletics: Activities
Athletics: Activities
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